Jury Phone Scam


In various parts of the United States, citizens have recently been targeted by phone calls in which the caller threatens the individual with arrest for failing to appear for jury duty and demands payment of a fine. The caller may claim to be a court official and tell you that a warrant will be issued for your arrest unless you provide personal account information or payment.

In the United States District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, citizens are called for jury duty by a summons from the court through U.S. mail. A court official may contact you regarding your jury service and if you fail to appear will ask you about the non-appearance. However, court officials will not request your account numbers or credit card numbers and will never demand payment over the phone.

If you are contacted by a person who is claiming to be calling from the District Court and requesting that you pay a fine because you missed jury duty, DO NOT give that person any personal information, account numbers or money. Please contact the District Court at (670) 236-2902 if you receive such a call.

If you have any questions about whether you missed jury duty, please call the District Court at (670) 236-2902. If you are a current member of a jury panel, you may get current jury scheduling information by calling the JURY HOTLINE at (670) 236-2959.

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