2024 Law Day Photo Contest Winners


The District Court announced and recognized the winners of the 2024 Law Day Photo Contest. In celebration of Law Day, the District Court also held its 4th Annual Law Day Photo Contest during May. Law Day is celebrated nationally on May 1st to recognize the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process have contributed to the freedoms that we all enjoy. 

Law Day is celebrated nationally on May 1st to recognize the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process have contributed to the freedoms that we all enjoy. The Law Day Theme for 2024 is “Voices of Democracy”. 

The Fourth Annual Law Day Photo Contest was part of several civic engagement activities held this Spring. The first photo contest began in 2021 in recognition of Law Day to help recognize the importance of law through the eyes and creative minds of our students. 

Photos were judged according to their originality, creativity, and how well the photo represents the Law Day theme. Contestants were to submit a photo that represents the theme with a short description of no more than 150 words. 

This photo contest was open to all middle and high school students in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Middle School Winners:

1st Place ($100) – Jhayrolin Cruz, Hopwood Middle School
2nd Place ($75) – Greatshen Martin, Francisco M. Sablan Middle School

High School Winners:

1st Place ($150) – Jhaylin Cruz, Marianas High School
2nd Place ($100) – Irene Park, Saipan International School
3rd Place ($75) – Sofia Del Rosario, Tinian Jr. Sr. High School

An award ceremony was held on May 31, 2024 in the third floor courtroom for the participants of Law Day Photo Contest. Chief Judge Ramona V. Manglona, and some members of the photo contest judging committee presented certificates and check prizes to the winners.


All awardees with Chief Judge Manglona and some members of the Law Day photo contest judging committee.

Chief Judge Manglona with high school 1st place winner Jhaylin Cruz.

Chief Judge Manglona with high school 2nd place winner Irene Park.

Chief Judge Manglona with high school 3rd place winner Sofia Del Rosario (appeared virtually).

Chief Judge Manglona with middle school 1st place winner Jhayrolin Cruz.

Chief Judge Manglona with middle school 2nd place winner Greatshen Martin.

High school 3rd place winner, Sofia Del Rosario, form Tinian Jr. Sr. High School shared with all attendees on how she took her photo.

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